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A blog about taking that first leap outside your comfort zone and exploring our great terrestrial home, both home and abroad.

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World Destinations

A database of must-visit locations across the globe.

Journal Entries

My notes on travel, culture, lifestyle, and all other mannerisims of exploration.

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About Me

My goal is to live a life worth writing about. My name is Jonathan Merry, and I want to share stories with you about adventure, art, nature and the beautiful world around us.

Journal Entries

Stronghold of Vlad the Impaler România • Transylvannia Quick Facts T.O.C Location Refrences Overview Poenari Castle is known as the home of Vlad the Impaler during the early 13th century....

The Forgotten Ancient Wonder of România • Serbia Providential August! Vere Ponitficis Virtus Romana Quid Non Domet? Subjugo Ecce Rapidus Et Danubius. (By The Foresight Of Augustus! The True Pontifex...

Capelinhos Lighthouse

Virgin land in the center of the Atlantic… Table of Contents Introduction “We didn’t know what was going to happen…the volcano began to explode little by little.” Recalls Jose Correia...

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

– T. S. Eliot –